Mondays are for Me
I’ve taken off Mondays every week for years. There’s a reason for it: Mondays are for me. It’s quiet in the house—my husband is at work, my kiddo is at school. I don’t work on anything that has to do with my business. I turn off my phone, turn on the meditation music. I make a fantastic cup of tea that I enjoy hot and steaming(not forgotten and cold). All of the Monday business needs are done in advance. I just breathe and let go.
I focus on classes, workshops, or intensives I’ve signed up for that help enhance my well-being. I do an in depth tarot reading for myself and an extra long meditation.Maybe I take a salt bath and then take a nap. All of these activities have the same end goal in mind: Replenish my soul and body. I replenish so that I’m a better mom and wife. I replenish so that I’m ready to take on another week of processing huge amounts of energy through my body. But mainly, I replenish just for me—so that I can hear my soul whispers again and remember who I am.
If I skip my “Monday for Me”, I have less patience, less energy, less creativity. I’m just not firing on all cylinders for the week and by the weekend all I want to do is sleep. It’s part of what I refer to as “active balancing” in my life. I’m actively creating more balance in my life—not just waiting for it to accidentally happen or for the stars to align. I’m choosing to put myself first for the whole day, so that I can serve and help others during the rest of the week.
You don’t have to take a whole day to yourself. In fact, I know how lucky I am to be able to do that. But I urge you to try and take time—every day for at least 10-15 minutes—to replenish and revive your soul and your heart. I know better than anyone that you can’t run on empty. When you run on empty you not only hurt yourself, but you hurt those you love by being less than present with them—less than whole. They deserve you at your brightest and, honestly, you deserve a life where you can feel fulfilled and present, too.
What do you do to refill your soul tank? How do you take care of yourself on a deeper, soul-level? Send me an email and let me know!