Reclaiming Your Path: Shedding the Chains of Expectations

What if the very things you’ve relied on to support you are now the same things holding you back?

Have you ever found yourself at a pivotal turning point, where the very strategies and habits that used to support you now feel like chains holding you back? You're not alone. At a recent summit I attended, so many people were realizing this exact struggle—the lifelines that once helped them thrive had turned into invisible chains.

I don’t think the people attending the summit were an anomaly. Does this sound familiar? You’re striving for success, balance, and fulfillment, but somewhere along the way, the weight of all those ‘shoulds’ leaves you feeling disconnected—like you’re living a life that ‘almost’ fulfills you but doesn’t quite hit the mark.

Have you ever stopped to ask yourself: Why am I living by someone else’s expectations? But maybe an even more powerful question is this: Are you making choices from who you are today, or are you stuck making decisions based on a past version of yourself?

The Devil Card: Recognizing the Chains That Bind Us

Think about the familiar patterns and habits you've relied on for years—what if those things are starting to feel more like chains than lifelines? The Devil card in the Tarot reflects this struggle. It may look creepy in most decks, but its real message is about breaking free from the habits and attachments that no longer serve you.

At some point in our lives, we will reach a point where the ways we’ve always navigated our careers or personal lives no longer serve us. It’s evolution—we’ve grown beyond what we once imagined; what once felt like lifelines of support now feel like restrictions.

The success, relationships or status we wanted to achieve in our younger years weighs heavy. The expectation we put on ourselves that by mid-life we should have “figured it all out” looms large. Yet, at the same time so many people are questioning whether those milestones they’ve set up for themselves, even align with what they want right now at this moment. Are those milestones actually a marker of success? Or are they old dreams that have locked us into roles or lifestyles that feel tight and constricting?

And there is also the pressure from society to look a certain way, be a certain thing. These narratives can stretch us thin, trying to be all things to all people. The myths of balancing work and family perfectly, of having to be the “superhero” in every area of life, trying to live up to traditional definitions of success. These can all feel like chains that leave little room for personal fulfillment, spiritual evolution or even things like rest. 

The Devil card calls us to notice these chains, to see where we've become stuck. But more importantly, it shows us that we have the power to free ourselves. The chains around the figures in the card are loose—they can slip them off at any time. This symbolizes that the obstacles keeping us stuck are often self-imposed, and we hold the key to release them.

The Lovers Card: Choosing Alignment with Intentions

Contrast this with the Lovers card, a symbol of choices, relationships, and alignment with values. In traditional Tarot decks, this card depicts two people, one beside the Tree of life and the other beside The Tree of Knowledge, with a celestial being overhead. 

The triangle imagery here is fascinating, because it’s mirrored in the Devil card. But where the Devil card binds us with external pressures, the Lovers card reminds us that freedom and fulfillment come from making choices rooted in our own truth and the wisdom from our experiences.

The Lovers card teaches us that the things that bind us and the things that free us are often rooted in our decisions and, more importantly, our intentions. Every choice we make, every intention we set—whether in our personal or professional lives—either brings us closer to our authentic selves or pulls us further away.

Loosening the Chains: The Art of Release

I wish I could tell you that casting aside these chains is easy. The reality is that it’s a gradual process, one of healing and self-awareness. Loosening these chains starts with recognizing the beliefs, choices, and habits that are limiting you. Little by little, you can begin releasing them and stepping into a more authentic version of yourself.

During this letting go, you might start noticing the stories you've been living by—like the need to always be productive or put others first. You may begin to question where these beliefs came from and whether they still serve you. Gradually, you release what isn’t working, allowing more space for joy, rest, and self-care.

And it can extend into our careers or businesses, as well. Loosening the chains might look like allowing creativity and fulfillment to take precedence over profit. You might decide to restructure your business to create more time for personal growth or spiritual practices, or even pivot to a completely new direction that feels more aligned with who you know yourself to be.

It’s time to be honest with yourself: Are you making choices that reflect who you are right now, or are you still living out someone else’s dream? The longer you stay bound by outdated expectations, the more disconnected you become from the life you truly want

Here’s the thing: This isn’t something to figure out someday. The longer you wait to break free from the chains of outdated expectations, the heavier they become. The choices you make today will either pull you closer to your authentic self or push you further away from it. The time to realign and reclaim your path is right now.

If you’re ready to stop living by someone else’s rules and finally embrace who you are right now, it’s time to make a shift. In Season 2 of my podcast, Reclaiming Our Spirit, I’m diving deep into intentions and expectations. Get ready to shed those invisible chains and start living fully on your own terms.

Don’t wait. This is your moment to realign with your authentic self and start living the life you’re truly meant for. Listen to Season 1, Episode 2: Reclaiming Intentions Over Expectations, and get ready to step into your power.

Last Updated:
September 18, 2024