Signs from Heaven

Have you ever wondered if your crossed over loved ones can communicate with you? I think this a natural curiosity we all have—and from my experience the answer is a resounding “yes!”  We just have to be open and aware to see the signs. 

My sweet Stella passed away last Thursday unexpectedly. She was my companion for 12 years and LOVED hanging out with me while I worked and meditated. She was gifted with a healing, peaceful energy and taught me that you don’t have to be loud and charge through life to make a deep and profound difference. 

I’m a psychic medium and I KNOW that we continue after we leave our bodies, but it’s still hard when someone I love leaves this world. I was hoping she would reach out and give me a sign that she was settled in on the other side. 

Stella written in chalk on the sidewalk
Sidewalk Art

Last Saturday, I got that sign. The dog had been sick all day and I pulled a daily card that said get off your butt and go outside. I wasn’t in the mood, but listened and took the dog on a short and slow walk. He insisted on pulling me down a sidewalk we never take because it doesn’t lead anywhere. (He’s 87 pounds and when he wants to go somewhere, I don’t really have a choice 😂) There, 25 feet into a dead end, on the sidewalk written in chalk was the name Stella in brightly colored letters with a heart. I couldn’t have asked for a better sign from her. 

I wasn’t on my phone, I wasn’t texting. I was just present on my walk and taking in nature thinking about her. I only saw it off to the side because I was in the moment. It got me many signs do we miss from loved ones and Spirit because we are not fully present and in the moment? A wonderful reminder from Spirit and Stella to stay present, open and aware ❤️❤️❤️

Last Updated:
December 21, 2024