Resolutions and Intentions

Tis the season for resolutions and intentions. I don't know about you, but my email is currently overflowing with end of year/beginning of year offers.

I love that people have embraced the practice of reflection and intentional creation. It can also get overwhelming with everyone sending you ideas and thoughts on it. There's so much to "do" out there—Take action and get clarity on your life! Reflect on your year and really figure out what you learned and what you still need to do! Set all the goals for all the things and create all the action plans to accomplish them--Gah! It makes me tired. I'm one of those souls who needs to quietly wade into the New Year's waters rather than jump into them at the stroke of midnight.

If you're like me and need a minute, here are a few things to remember as you navigate the New Year:

  • You can create intentions any time of year--not just on New Year's Day. You aren't missing anything if you don't figure it all out on Day 1. Take your time. You could even get daring and make an intention in March!
  • Slow Down. The New Year brings an energy that has a lot of movement to it. Give yourself space to see what the energy of the year feels like for you. Observe. Be curious. Don’t let anyone rush you. You only get one January 2022. Drink it up in a way that feels good to you.
  • Use discernment and follow your joy. There's a lot being offered and a lot going on. It can create a ton of FOMO (Fear of Missing Out). You don’t need to do all of the things. Pick and choose based on what makes you excited or brings you joy. If you inwardly groan about something, don’t do it. For example, I love to see people’s beautiful vision boards, but the thought of doing one makes me cringe. So I don’t do it.

However you approach your New Year, may it be with a sense of peace, fulfillment and possibility.

If you're ready to start your New Year right now, you can check out my Word of the Year live workshop that happens towards the end of January. If you need to take space and turn off the noise, the workshop will still be there when you tune back in later in the month.

Happy New Year—sending you all love for the coming year.

Last Updated:
December 21, 2024